library(mapsapi) library(sp) library(sf) library(tidyverse) library(leaflet) #Google API key key='WRITE YOUR API KEY' #load point layers #layer of wastewater treatment plants #with manually predefined waypoints of each kind of weekly route wwtp <- st_read("wwtp.geojson") #layer of lab1 & 2 (they are in the same building) lab1_2 <- st_read("lab1_2.geojson") #layer of lab3 lab3 <- st_read("lab3.geojson") #reprojct all layers to WGS84 wwtp <- st_transform(wwtp, 4326) lab1_2 <- st_transform(lab1_2, 4326) lab3 <- st_transform(lab3, 4326) #select the kind of weekly route: summer_1, summer_2, winter_1, winter_2 week <- "summer_1" #select wwtp from that weekly route wwtp_week <- wwtp %>% filter(! #define origins of each route origin1 <- filter(wwtp_week, wwtp_id == "DOLO") origin2 <- filter(wwtp_week, wwtp_id == "DRSS") origin3 <- filter(wwtp_week, wwtp_id == "DCPA") origin4 <- filter(wwtp_week, wwtp_id == "DVEN") origin5 <- filter(wwtp_week, wwtp_id == "DPUI") origin51 <- filter(wwtp_week, wwtp_id == "DAMP") origin52 <- filter(wwtp_week, wwtp_id == "DLLE") origin53 <- filter(wwtp_week, wwtp_id == "DVIE") #Run through each route for (i in unique(wwtp_week[week])){ print(i) #define parameters for mp_directions origin <- eval(parse(text=paste("origin",i,sep=""))) waypoints <- filter(wwtp_week, matches(week) == i) #determine final destination using i value if (i < 50){ destination <- lab1_2 } else if (i > 50){ destination <- lab3 }else{print("i out of in range")} #define departure time as 8:00am departure_time <- as.POSIXct(strptime("2020-07-06 08:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS")) #Calculate route i route <- mp_directions( origin = origin, waypoints = waypoints, destination = destination, departure_time = departure_time, region = "es", traffic_model = "best_guess", key = key, #quiet = TRUE ) #convert to sf object st_route <- mp_get_routes(route) #create a field with route id st_route$route_id <- i #assign a name to the route assign(paste("route_",i,sep=""), st_route) #merge all routes if (i == 1){ route_all <- route_1 } else { route_all <- rbind(route_all, st_route) } } plot(st_geometry(route_all)) #export to geojson in ETRS89 (ESPG: 25831) route_all <- st_transform(route_all, 25831) st_write(route_all, dsn=paste(week, ".geojson", sep=""), delete_dsn = TRUE) #create two fields with route's length in kn and hours route_all$km <- route_all$distance_m / 1000 route_all$hours <- route_all$duration_s / 3600 #create data frame to summarize results summary_route <-$route_id)) #summarize results for each route for (i in summary_route$Var1){ summary_route$km[summary_route$Var1==i] <- sum(route_all$km[route_all$route_id==i]) summary_route$durada[summary_route$Var1==i] <- sum(route_all$hores[route_all$route_id==i]) } #add 20 minutes for each stop in a route summary_route$Freq <- summary_route$Freq-1 summary_route$dur_parades <- summary_route$durada+(0.33*summary_route$Freq) #export summary_route to csv for excel write.csv2(summary_route, file=paste(week, "summary.csv", sep="_")) #create csv for excel with stops and coordinates stops <- select(wwtp_week, matches(week), wwtp_id, county, province, x, y) write.csv2(stops, file=paste(week, "stops.csv", sep="_"))